Child Support Lawyers
Child support agreements can be one of the most contentious and stressful components of paternity, child custody and/or divorce proceedings. Having a knowledgeable child support lawyer to provide you with legal advice, explain the process, and negotiate on your behalf is the best way to achieve a positive outcome.
While child support is meant to prevent the children from the relationship from becoming the victims, in some cases it is used to punish the other parent. If you are currently in a family law case with a contested child custody, contact our law firm to schedule a free consultation today.

Schedule Your Free Child Support Consultation Today
How Much Is Child Support in California?
The amount a parent pays for child support can vary based on an array of factors. In the best-case scenario, both parents will come to an agreement without needing the California family law courts to get involved.
If both parents are close to agreeing on child support, one option available from our law firm is mediation. In mediation, an impartial 3rd party will help bring both sides to an agreement that satisfies the needs of both parents.
When both parents can’t come to a child support agreement the California Family Code requires the courts to adhere to statewide uniform guidelines when setting child support orders. The code takes into account each parent’s gross income, amount of time spent with each parent, tax and mandatory payroll deductions, childcare costs, and other factors
I trust Kim’s experience!
“I trust Kim’s experience! Kim has been helping me through my child custody case. Kim has been great to me. She tells me exactly what needs to be done and I trust her experience. She answers all my questions and gives me clear answers. She has also been very patient which I appreciate…” ~ Avvo
Know Your Child Support Rights!
Proven Child Support Process
No matter if you seeking to receive child support, negotiate a fair agreement, or want the court to consider amending an existing order, when you choose to hire Lewellen Family Law Firm, you are getting the expert legal advice we have acquired from years of representing clients just like you in securing favorable outcomes. While each client’s case can have unique issues and we craft our approach to each specific situation, we start each case with our proven process which includes:

Any case involving contested child support agreements can be stressful and exhausting, so understanding your rights and the legal process is key to a successful outcome. Our free initial one-hour consultation allows you to get to know our law firm and attorneys who take the time to listen to your concerns and answer your questions. We offer a free initial consultation rather than charge you because we do not feel the need to charge our potential new clients for learning about our firm and how we can serve them. It is also another small way we can help people who may not be able to afford hiring an attorney.

From the very beginning, you meet with attorney Kimberly Lewellen, who will work directly with you every step of the way when you choose to have us represent you. They examine the unique issues surrounding your case and work with you to establish the goals and identify what legal tools to use to best achieve them.

Once we understand all the issues surrounding your case, we prepare a legal strategy to achieve your goals. We also begin to gather all the documents and documentation the California family courts will require.

Should your case go to court, you can have peace of mind that you are being represented by an attorney with years of experience negotiating, arguing for, and attaining results that are in the best interest of our clients and their families.
Additional Family Law Services We Provide
Child support cases can vary due to many factors including divorce, child custody, property division, high-wealth cases, just to name a few. Our family law attorneys and professionals provide our clients with an exceptional depth of experience handling cases involving a wide range of legal issues, including:
- Child custody
- Child support
- Domestic violence restraining orders
- Division of property
- International or out-of-state removal of minor children
- Spousal support